Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Playdate With Ms. Crystal and Layton

My mom and I had a playdate with my teacher Ms. Crystal and her son Layton!! Layton seemed a little scared of me...I guess it is because the day before I bit the crap out of him twice (mom and dad were so mad at me)! I knew I was in the doghouse with my mom over the whole biting thing so I decided to bring her a flower for the very first time. I probably should have taken Layton and his mom one too so they will forgive me!!! We had fun even though I didn't want to share anything and I was being a little ugly to the other alpha male from my class!!!!

All I Want for Christmas Is Non-Chipped Teeth

I fell in the bath tub and chipped my two front teeth. My mom panicked and took me to the dentist. She could not go back with me for the x-ray because she had just found out she is pregnant but I was so sweet while they did it. Dr. Colwick just told my mom to keep me on a soft diet and watch for infection and pain. She didn't see the need to do anything since they are my baby teeth. I have a long way to go with crazy teeth!!!

Nana Lou Always Pulls Through

Nana Lou sent my b-day card overnight so I would get it on my b-day!! She is so sweet and that was so thoughtful of her. My mom and dad took me shopping and we got three new toys. We also ordered a picnic table and new toy box with the money she sent.

Special Delivery for the B-day Boy

Uncle Keith, Aunt Liz, Tristan and Keltan sent me a new wardrobe for my birthday. They are so sweet and it was just what I needed....some new cloths for the colder weather!!!!

Mom and Dad Birthday Gifts

We celebrated my birthday with dinner out at Razoo's with a dessert to top the night off!! My mom and dad bought me a doggy bean bag chair, a big boy camo sleeping bag, and a huge tent play house. They sure do know how to treat a boy on his birthday!!

Mine and Hunter Ray's Birthday Party

I had a birthday party with my cousin Hunter Ray at the Love Shack!! His birthday is September 9th and mine is the 10th. We were suppose to be on Lake Whitney but plans were changed due to some family circumstances. Kash helped me open my presents...I am thinking he thought it was his birthday but I didn't mind sharing. Hunter's mom and dad played a joke on him telling him they didn't get the X-Box he wanted. They had my name on his present that just happened to be an X-Box. I am so glad he got what he wanted. I got books, a fire truck, a tee ball stand balls and bat, money in my savings account, toys, and so much more!!! It was a great birthday!!!

Papa DJ Sends Me The Neatest B-day Gift

My Papa DJ sent me a trampoline for my birthday. It is so neat. I am not going to pretend it didn't scare me to death when I first got on it. I am getting used to it now and love, love, love it. These pictures are the day my dad put it together and I was not digging it too much. Now it is my favorite thing to play with!!!

Poppy Dog Delivers My Birthday Present

I am crazy about my poppy dog. He came over on my birthday just to bring me my birthday present!! He had lunch with us and brought me the coolest toy workbench, some sunglasses and a nice winter outfit. I love my Poppy Dog!!!

Look What I Can Do!!!

I am not much of a daredevil but every once in a while I get a little wild and crazy!!! I was showing off by doing this trick more than anything!!!

Daddy Plays With Mom's New Camera

My mom got a new camera for her birthday. She is having a hard time using it!! My dad is so technically advanced he is trying to help my mom out. She is even going to classes to try to learn how to use this hi-tech camera!!! My dad pretty much picked it up and has the hang of mom not so time!!! These two pics are two of the first my dad took with my mom's new camera!!!

Our Mini Vacation

We spent a long weekend on Lake Tenkiller in Oklahoma. We swam, had cook outs, went boating, played music and sang, just spent quality time with my dad's family!! We took the boat to this really neat island called "Goat Island" and the funny thing about it is that there were really goats on the island. There was this really neat swing too that came off one of the cliffs that my Uncle Keith and cousins Keltan and Tristan loved. We also cooled off by anchoring the boat in remote spots and swimming. I had the time of my life!!! Thanks Nana Lou for making this all happen!!!

The Photographers of our Mini Vacation

My mom was not it the picture taking mood when we went to Lake Tenkiller with my dad's side of the family. However, there were two photographers that documented everything. My mom is so sad she did such a crummy job taking pictures!!! Thank you Aunt Liz and Nana Lou for stepping up to the plate!!!

The Coolest Place Ever

We spent a long weekend with my dad's side of the family. On the way to meet them we stayed at the neatest place ever Marval Resort. This resort is along the Lower Illinois River and has 1/2 mile of river front with a swimming pool, splash pad, mini golf and planned activities that make this one of the neatest places ever!! They let the dam out at 1 everyday so if you want to tube or raft down you can. The river is crystal clear, clean and cold. We were so sad when we left because we did not have enough time there. We are hoping to go back next summer and spend a week!!!

Practicing My Man Smile Already!!

I have been trying to get the hang of not smiling for pictures kind of like grown up men do. My mom is not happy about my decision. Man do I like ruffling her feathers!!!

Superhero in a Laudry Basket

One of my favorite things to do is to be pulled around in a laundry basket while wearing my "Super Ranger" cape. My dad plays this game with me. I have to save all my energy for my super powers!!!