Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My First Play Date

Today was a special day for me. I had my first play date. My friends Emily and Colt came over today with Ms. Deane and Ms. Jan. We played outside in my playhouse that Santa brought me. We had pizza and fruit for lunch. Colt calls me Rah Rah....I like that nickname. Emily could maybe one day be my girlfriend..she is so pretty!!!! I hope we have another play date soon!!!

Diaper Malfunction

I woke up from a nap one afternoon and my diaper had malfunctioned. I am not 100% sure what happened. I am just glad my mom had a new diaper for me.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baby For Sale

One day after school my cousins Hunter and Scout were playing with me. They were pushing me around in this saying, "Baby for sale...Baby for sale." My mom and Dana thought it was so funny but I didn't. I don't want to be sold. I am happy where I am.

Like Father Like Son

My daddy is already teaching me how to use the computer. I want to be like him when I grow up. He is so smart and so nice to me and my mom. I love him so much!!!

Look What I Can Do

My momma thought this was so funny how I got stuck in this basket. She is lucky I let her get a picture. She got it in the nick of time.

My First Christmas Ornament and My Dad's First Christmas Ornament

This is a picture of mine and my dad's Christmas ornaments from our first Christmas. It is neat how they were both on our Christmas tree this year!!!

My Christmas Money

With the money my Granny and Keith, Elizabeth, Tristan, and Keltan sent me we went shopping. We got this really cool three wheeler and a little wagon with mega blocks. I am so ready for the weather to get better so I can check this out!!!

Hunter Spends Her Christmas Money on PJ's for Me

Hunter got money for Christmas and spent her money on me a new set of Christmas PJ's. I love her so much. She is a great cousin and helps my mom so much with me!!!

Nana Lou and Grampy Come For a Visit

Nana Lou and Grampy came down from Amarillo to visit us the day after Christmas. We had a blast. We did the present thing, visited, and just spent time with each other. My Nana Lou brought me a Tony Romo jersey for Christmas. I can't wait until I get to see them again!!!

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day @ Our House

Christmas Eve we went to a service at church even though it was sleeting. Then everyone came over and spent the night with us so Santa could find us all. We had snacks all night, played games, and just enjoyed our time together as a family. Santa found us and left goodies for all the kids. We even had a little snow to encourage the magic of Christmas for Christmas Day. We exchanged gifts and had a feast to celebrate the birth of Jesus. What a glorious time of the year.

My Boo Boo From Church

I fell at church and hurt my eye. Ms. Michele had to come get my mom because my eye was bleeding and I kept crying. Ms. Angie put ice on it and made it better but the pictures we had later in the day....war wounds ya know!!!

Christmas With Poppy Dog and CeCe

We had Christmas with my Poppy Dog and CeCe a few days before the 25th. I got one of my most favorite things to play very own car. We had chili with hot dogs, potatoes, frito pie and pudding for dessert.... all kinds of yum yum!!! CeCe and Poppy always give the best gifts!!!

My Mom Takes Our Christmas Pics

Every other year our family has pictures taken at Christmas. This year we had my mom do the pictures since we are all on such tight budgets. My mom likes to take pictures anyway so it was a win-win situation. She took a lot of pictures but here are the first few she has edited.

Hunter Helps Out

My cousin Hunter loves to help my mom take care of me. This is what happens if you let her change your diaper.