My mother always has the camera out and I really do get tired of it. She insists on posting pictures of me on my blog. These are a few she has taken in the past few months that she loves....
We had pictures taken with my dad's brother and his family. We love the Aggies and they love the Longhorns. We thought it would add some personality if we tooks pictures in our team's t-shirts. I have two cousins on my dad's side, Tristan and Keltan. We all know who the best college is....
On the way to Port Aransas we stopped for a day in New Braunfels. We went to Landa Park, a beautiful place to spend the day. There is putt-putt, a train ride, parks, walking trails, swimming, etc. The Comal river runs through the park and all the swimming holes are fed through this river. It is a natural spring and freezing cold. We got to ride the train through the park and swim in one of the natural swimming holes. We had so much fun and my mom thinks this is one of the neatest places ever.
We celebrated Independence Day at the Love Shack. We had hot dogs, chips and dips, and homeade ice cream. We had fireworks and MeMe scared both me and Scout half to death. I swam with my mom and dad and there were fireworks everywhere. We stayed the night and had homeade pancakes, bacon and sausage the next morning-yummy.What a way to celebrate!!!
I went to the beach for the first time and had a blast. My momma took my cousins Hunter and Scout. We stayed in a condo with my aunt Dora, her niece Bailey, her nephew Seth, her mom Susan(abuela) and her dad Joe (abuelo). We went to Port Aransas and stopped by New Braunfels on the way. The very first time my mom put me down on the sand I just had to have a taste.......yummy good. I really liked the pool but was a little overwhelmed by the ocean. My hair bleached out and my tan was smokin hot...I am the man..hehe.....